
Heat, Light, and Sound Research, Inc.

1130 Wall Street #518

La Jolla CA 92037

Michael B. Porter

Research Interests

Underwater acoustics, communications, acoustical oceanography, signal processing, marine mammal acoustics, scattering, inverse problems


Heat, Light, and Sound Research, Inc. San Diego, CA

2004- President and C.E.O.


Science Applications International Corp. San Diego, CA

2001-2004 Assistant Vice President/Chief Scientist
1999-2001 Assistant Vice President/Senior Scientist


New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, NJ

1993-2000 Professor of Mathematics
1991-1993 Associate Professor of Mathematics


SACLANT Undersea Res. Ctr.La Spezia, Italy

1987-1991 Senior Scientist


Naval Research Laboratory Washington, DC

1985-1987 Research Physicist


Naval Ocean Systems Center San Diego, CA

1983-1985 Scientist II



1979-1984 Northwestern University Evanston, IL

Ph.D., Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics

"A numerical method for computing ocean acoustic normal modes"

(Advisor: E.L. Reiss)

1975-1979 California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA

B.S., Applied Mathematics

Academic / Professional Honor

2014 Pioneers Medal, Acoustical Society of America

2003 Rabbi Award, Science Applications International

1998 Innovators award, Naval Research Laboratory

1992-1996 Associate Editor, J. Acoustical Society of America

1994 Fellow, Acoustical Society of America

1991 A.B. Wood Medal and Prize (Inst. of Acoustics)

Professional Societies

Acoustical Society of America (Fellow)

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Senior Member)

Visiting Positions

1997- Scripps Inst. of Oceanography San Diego, CA

1995-1997 University of the Algarve Faro, Portugal.


I. Journal articles, technical documents,
conferences with full published proceedings

1.       Michael B. Porter, "A Numerical Study of a One-Step Flame in a One-Dimensional Gas'', Argonne TM 361, (1981).

2.       Michael B. Porter, and Edward L. Reiss, " A Numerical Method for Ocean Acoustic Normal Modes'', J. Acoust. Soc. of Am., 76(1):244-252 (1984).

3.       Michael B. Porter, and Edward L. Reiss, " A Numerical Method for Bottom Interacting Ocean Acoustic Normal Modes'', J. Acoust. Soc. of Am. 77(5):1760-1767 (1985).

4.       G. W. Benthien and M. Porter, "Improved Numerical Techniques for Piezoelectric Ceramic Parameter Determination'', NOSC TN 1424 (1985).

5.       Michael B. Porter, and Edward L. Reiss, " A Numerical Method for Acoustic Normal Modes for Shear Flows'', J. Sound and Vibration, 100(1):91-105 (1985).

6.       Michael B. Porter, Ronald L. Dicus and Richard Fizell, "Localization of Acoustic Sources in a Deep-water Pacific Environment'', Proceedings of a Workshop on Localization of Acoustic Sources, ed. R. Fizell (1985).

7.       Michael B. Porter and Edward L. Reiss, "Numerical Approaches to the Mode Location Problem'', Proceedings of the First IMACS Symposium on Computational Acoustics, Yale Univ., ed. M. Schultz, North Holland (1986).

8.       Michael B. Porter and Edward L. Reiss, "A Note on the Relationship Between Finite-Difference and Shooting Methods for ODE Eigenvalue Problems'', SIAM J. Numerical Analysis 23(5):1034-1039 (1986).

9.       Michael B. Porter and Edward L. Reiss, "Numerical Models for Ocean Acoustic Modes'', (invited paper) in Numerical Mathematics and Applications, (selected papers from the First IMACS World Congress in Oslo) ed. R. Vichnevetsky and J. Vignes, North Holland, pp. 243-247 (1986).

10.   Homer P. Bucker and Michael B. Porter, "Gaussian Beams and 3-D Bottom Interacting Systems'', in Ocean Seismo-acoustics, ed. Tuncay Akal and Jonathan Berkson, Plenum Press, New York (1986).

11.   W. A. Kuperman, M. B. Porter, F. Ingenito, "Wide-Area Rapid Ocean Acoustic Prediction'', Proceedings of the Ocean Prediction Workshop, Institute of Naval Oceanography, pp. 438-441 (1986).

12.   Michael B. Porter and Homer P. Bucker, " Gaussian Beam Tracing for Computing Ocean Acoustic Fields'', J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 82(4):1349-1359 (1987).

13.   Michael B. Porter, Ronald L. Dicus and Richard Fizell, "Simulations of Matched Field Processing in a Deep-water Pacific Environment'', (invited paper) IEEE J. of Oceanic Engineering (special issue on Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing), Vol. OE-12(1):173-181 (1987).

14.   M. B. Porter, R. G. Fizell, R. L. Dicus and O. I. Diachok, "Experimental Demonstration of Matched-Field Processing in the Arctic'' NRL Technical Memorandum Report 6002 (1987).

15.   Michael B. Porter, " Review of `Ocean Seismo-acoustics' '', J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 82(4):1465-1466 (1987).

16.   Michael B. Porter, R. G. Fizell, R. L. Dicus and O. I. Diachok, "Matched-Field Processing in the Arctic'', Proceedings of the Advanced Arctic Sonar Technology Symposium, ed. R. Obrochta, (1988).

17.   W. Kuperman, M. B. Porter, J. S. Perkins and A. A. Piacsek, "Rapid Three-Dimensional Ocean Acoustic Modeling of Complex Environments'', in Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Scientific Computation, ed. R. Vichnevetsky et al., pp. 231-233 (1988).

18.   Michael B. Porter, "Numerical Methods of Acoustic Modeling'', (invited paper), Proceedings of the Undersea Defense Technology Conference, London, Microwave Exhibitions and Publishers, Ltd., pp. 3-9 (1988)

19.   Carlo M. Ferla and Michael B. Porter, "The Optimum Receiver Depth Problem'', SACLANT Undersea Research Centre report SR-148 (1988).

20.   Carlo M. Ferla and Michael B. Porter, "Tow-Depth Selection for Horizontal Arrays'', NATO Symposium on the Future Uses of Towed and Static Arrays (1988).

21.   Michael B. Porter and Homer P. Bucker,"Applications of Gaussian Beam Tracing to Two and Three-dimensional problems in Ocean Acoustics'', in Numerical and Applied Mathematics, ed. W. F. Ames, pp. 335-339 (1989).

22.   M. B. Porter and F. Jensen, "Acoustic pulse propagation in ocean waveguides'', Proceedings of the Transients Workshop, Naval Research Laboratory publication 152-5100, ed. D. Bradley (1989).

23.   Michael B. Porter, "The Time-Marched FFP for Modelling Acoustic Pulse Propagation'', Colloque de Physique, Supplement au Journal de Physique: Proceedings of the First French Congress on Acoustics, Vol. II, C2:659-662(1990)

24.   M. B. Porter, S. Piacsek, L. Henderson and F. Jensen, "Acoustic Impact of Upper Ocean Models'', in Computational Acoustics: Ocean-Acoustic Models and Supercomputing, (Proceedings of the 2nd IMACS Symposium on Computational Acoustics in Princeton), ed. D. Lee, A. Cakmak, R. Vichnevetsky, North-Holland pp. 217-237(1990).

25.   Finn B. Jensen, Carlo M. Ferla and Michael B. Porter, "Acoustic Modelling in Range-Dependent Environments'', Proceedings of a conference on underwater acoustics held in New Zealand, (1990).

26.   Michael B. Porter, " The Time-Marched FFP for Modeling Acoustic Pulse Propagation'', J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 87(5):2013-2023 (1990).

27.   W. A. Kuperman, Michael B. Porter, John S. Perkins and Richard B. Evans, " Rapid computation of acoustic fields in three-dimensional ocean environments'', J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 89(1):125-133 (1991).

28.   M. B. Porter, Carlo M. Ferla and F. Jensen, "The Problem of Energy Conservation in One-Way Equations'', J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 89(3):1058-1067 (1991).

29.   Carlo M. Ferla and Michael B. Porter, "Receiver-depth selection for passive sonar systems'', IEEE J. of Oceanic Engineering, 16(3):267-278 (1991).

30.   Michael B. Porter, "The KRAKEN normal mode program'', SACLANT Undersea Research Centre Memorandum (SM-245) / Naval Research Laboratory Mem. Rep. 6920 (1991).

31.   Michael B. Porter, "Common grid acoustics,'' Center for Applied Mathematics and Statistics Research Report, (1992).

32.   Michael B. Porter and Finn B. Jensen, " Chaotic effects in multipath environments'', invited paper, Advances in Computer Methods for Partial Differential Equations-VII, ed. R. Vichnevetsky, D. Knight and G. Richter pp. 603-609 (1992).

33.   M. B. Porter, F. Jensen and Carlo M. Ferla, "Coupled modes for rapid range-dependent modeling'', Computational Acoustics: Acoustic Propagation, (Proceedings of the 3rd IMACS Symposium on Computational Acoustics at Harvard), ed. D. Lee, R. Vichnevetsky and A. R. Robinson, North-Holland pp. 307-316 (1993).

34.   Michael B. Porter, Carlo M. Ferla, and Finn B. Jensen, "Coupled Modes for rapid range-dependent modeling'', Proceedings of the Second PE Workshop, Eds. S. A. Chin-Bing, D. B. King, J. A. Davis and R. B. Evans, Naval Research Laboratory, pp. 271-281 (1993).

35.   Michael B. Porter and Finn B. Jensen, " Anomalous PE results for propagation in leaky surface ducts'', J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 94(3):1510-1516 (1993).

36.   C.M. Ferla, M.B. Porter and F.B. Jensen, "C-SNAP: Coupled SACLANTCEN normal mode propagation loss model'', SACLANT Undersea Research Centre Memorandum (SM-274) (1993).

37.   Michael B. Porter and Yong-Chun Liu,"Finite-Element Ray Tracing'', Proceedings of the International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, Eds. D. Lee and M. H. Schultz, pp. 947-956, World Scientific (1994).

38.   Michael B. Porter, "Acoustic Models and Sonar Systems'', (invited paper) IEEE J. of Oceanic Engineering (special issue on Sonar System Technology), Vol. OE-18(4):425-437 (1993).

39.   Michael B. Porter, "A benchmark problem for long-range pulse propagation,'' Center for Applied Mathematics and Statistics Research Report CAMS-025, (1994).

40.   Michael B. Porter, " Adiabatic modes for translationally-invariant oceans,'' J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 96(3):1918-1921 (1994).

41.   M. B. Porter, W. A. Kuperman and C. Shen, "Full-field inversion of the ocean structure,'' (invited paper) Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (1994). Eds. L. Bjorno, European Commission, Luxembourg (1994).

42.   M. B. Porter and A. Tolstoy, " The Matched-Field Processing Benchmark Problems,'' Journal of Computational Acoustics, Special issue on benchmarking matched-field processing methods, 2(3): 161-185 (1994).

43.   Michael B. Porter, "Progress in computational acoustics,'' A. B. Wood Lecture, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics Vol. 17, (1995).

44.   Michael B. Porter, " Model validation for direct and inverse problems,'' (invited paper) in Full Field Inversion Methods, ed. O. Diachok, A. Caiti, P. Gerstoft and H. Schmidt, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht (1995).

45.   Gregory J. Orris, Michael D. Collins, Grant B. Deane and Michael B. Porter, "Three-dimensional sound propagation in an ocean overlying an elastic bottom,'' in Full Field Inversion Methods, ed. O. Diachok, A. Caiti, P. Gerstoft and H. Schmidt, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht (1995).

46.   M.B. Porter, Z.H. Michalopoulou, "A coherent approach to broadband matched-field processing: Application in the Hudson Canyon", International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) Proceedings, Vol. 2, p. 1189 (1996).

47.   Z.H. Michalopoulou and M.B. Porter, "Focalization in the Gulf of Mexico", International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) Proceedings, Vol. 6, p. 3086 (1996).

48.   M.B. Porter and Z.H. Michalopoulou, "Environmentally adaptive robust processing of sea test data", (invited paper) Proceedings of the Technical Workshop on Undersea Warfare Superiority held at the Naval Undersea Warfare Center, New London, March 1996 Ed. John Short, NUWC TR-xxxx.

49.   Z.H. Michalopoulou, H. Martynov, M.B. Porter,"Simulated annealing and genetic algorithms for broadband source focalization", Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Crete, Greece, Ed. J. Papadakis, European Commission, Crete, Greece (1996).

50.   Z.H. Michalopoulou and M.B. Porter, "Active matched-field processing", Proceedings of the 8th Matched-field processing workshop held at Esquimalt Defence Research Detachment June 12-14 1996, p. 3-28, NRaD Technical Document 2932, October (1996).

51.   Zoi-Heleni Michalopoulou and Michael B. Porter, "Matched field processing for broadband source localization", (invited paper) IEEE J. of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. OE-21(4):384-392 (1996).

52.   Z.H. Michalopoulou and M.B. Porter, "Source tracking in the Hudson Canyon'', Journal of Computational Acoustics Vol. 4(4):371-383 (1996).

53.   Z.H. Michalopoulou, M.B. Porter, and J. Ianniello, "Broadband source localization in the Gulf of Mexico'', Journal of Computational Acoustics, Vol. 2(3):361-370 (1996).

54.   E. Coelho, S. Jesus, M. Porter, Y. Stephan, "One-way active tracking in the INTIMATE 96 Experiment',' Proceedings of the Environmentally Adaptive Sonar Technology symposium, held at the University of Washington, January (1997).

55.   J.P. Ianniello and M.B. Porter, "Environmental matched and adaptive technology," (invited paper), Proceedings of the 1997 Technical Workshop on Submarine Acoustic Superiority, held at NUWC, Newport, RI March 24-27 (1997).

56.   (team report), "INTIMATE 96 Data report," Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine TR No. 27 Brest, France (1997).

57.   M. Porter, S. Jesus, Y. Stéphan and X. Démoulin, E. Coelho, "Exploiting reliable features of the ocean channel response ", (invited paper) in Shallow-water Acoustics, eds. R.H. Zhang and J.X. Zhou, China Ocean Press (Proceedings of the International Conference on Shallow Water Acoustics held in Beijing, China, April 22-25) (1997).

58.   X. Démoulin, Y. Stéphan, S. Jesus, E. Coelho, M. Porter, "INTIMATE96: A shallow water tomography experiment devoted to the study of internal tides ", ) in Shallow-water Acoustics, eds. R.H. Zhang and J.X. Zhou, China Ocean Press (Proceedings of the International Conference on Shallow Water Acoustics held in Beijing, China, April 22-25) (1997).

59.   Y. Stéphan, X. Démoulin, T. Folegot, S. Jesus, O. Rodriguez, E. Coelho, M. Porter, "Results of INTIMATE 96 ", Proceedings of the INTIMATE 98 meeting March 5-6, Brest, France (1998).

60.   Michael B. Porter, "Modeling of the Santa Lucia experiment",
Proceedings of the 16th International Congress on Acoustics and the 135th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America,
pp. 2091-2092, 20-26 June 1998, Seattle, USA, Eds. Patricia Kuhl and Lawrence Crum, (1998).

61.   M.B. Porter, Y. Stephan, S. Jesus, E. Coelho, "Shallow-water tracking in the Sea of Nazaré,"  Proceedings of the 1998 International Symposium on Undersea Technology, April 15-17, Tokyo, Japan, IEEE Catalog Number 98EX101, pp. 29-34 (1998).

62. Y. Stéphan, X. Démoulin, T. Folegot, S. Jesus, M. Porter, E. Coelho, "Influence de l'environnement sur la propagation acoustique par petits fonds: la campagne de tomographie acoustique INTIMATE96 ", Numero 18, EPSHOM/CMO/OCA/NP report, Oct. 12, 1998.

63.   O.C. Rodriguez, S. Jesus, Y. Stéphan, X. Démoulin, M. Porter, E. Coelho, "Internal tide acoustic tomography: reliability of the normal modes expansion as a possible basis for solving the inverse problem ", Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Sept. 21-25, Rome, Italy, (1998).

64.   M.B. Porter, S.M. Jesus, Y. Stéphan, E. Coelho, X. Démoulin, (invited) "Single-phone source tracking in a variable environment ", Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Sept. 21-25, Rome, Italy, (1998).

65.   S.M. Jesus, M.B. Porter, Y. Stéphan, E. Coelho, X. Démoulin, "Broadband source localization with a single hydrophone ", Proceedings of Oceans '98, Sept. 28- Oct. 1, Nice, France (1998).

66.   Philippe Roux, Michael Porter, Hee Chun Song, and W.A. Kuperman, "Application of phase conjugation to hyperthermia therapy ",  Proceedings of 24th International Symposium on Acoustical Imaging, Ed. Hua Lee, Sept. 23-26, Univ. of California at Santa Barbara, Plenum Press,  (1998).

67.   Philippe Roux, Michael Porter, Hee Chun Song, and W.A. Kuperman, "Hyperthermia therapy using acoustic phase conjugation ", to appear Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Physics in Signal and Image Processing, January 18-19, Paris, France (1999).

68.   M.B. Porter, S.M. Jesus, Y. Stéphan, E. Coelho, X. Démoulin, "Using the echo pattern to range a sound source", Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Physics in Signal and Image Processing, January 18-19, Paris, France (1999).

69.   M. Porter, P. Roux, H. Song, and W. Kuperman, (invited) "Tumor treatment by time-reversal acoustics ", International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) Proceedings, Vol. 4, p. 2107-2110 (1999).

70.   O. Rodriguez, S. Jesus, Y. Stephan, X. Demoulin, M. Porter, E. Coelho, "Nonlinear soliton interaction with acoustic signals: Focusing effects " Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics,. Trieste, Italy, (1999).

71.   V. K. McDonald, J.A. Rice, Michael B. Porter, Paul A. Baxley, "Performance measurements of a diverse collection of undersea, acoustic, communication signals", Proceedings of I.E.E.E. Oceans'99, (1999).

72.   P. Roux, H.C. Song, M.B. Porter, and W.A. Kuperman, "Application of the Parabolic Equation Method to Medical Ultrasonics ", Wave Motion 31(2): 181-196 (2000).

73.   Paul Hursky, Kevin Heaney, Michael B. Porter, and J.P. Ianniello, "Performance of conventional and model-based trackers for towed-arrays, " Proceedings of the Technical Workshop on Submarine Acoustic Superiority, held at NUWC, Newport, RI April 4-7 (2000).

74.   S.M. Jesus, M.B. Porter, Y. Stéphan, X. Démoulin, O. Rodriguez, and E. Coelho, "Single hydrophone source localization ", IEEE J. of Oceanic Engineering, (2000).

75.   Michael Porter, Vincent McDonald, Joe Rice, Paul Baxley, "Relating the channel to acoustic modem performance ", Proc. of the Fifth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, pp. 525-530, Lyon (2000).

76.   Paul Baxley, Homer Bucker, Michael Porter, "Comparison of beam tracing algorithms ", Proc. of the Fifth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, pp. 27-32, Lyon (2000).

77.   Xavier P. Démoulin, Laurent Pelissero, Yann P. Stephan, Michael B. Porter, Sergio Jesus, Emanuel Coelho, "Estimating equivalent bottom geoacoustical parameters from broadband inversion ", Proc. of the Fifth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, pp. 191-196, Lyon (2000).

78.   Y. Stéphan, X. Démoulin, T. Folégot, S.M. Jesus, O. Rodriguez, M.B. Porter, E. Coelho, "Acoustic effects of internal tides on shallow water propagation: An overview of the INTIMATE96 experiment ", Experimental Acoustic Inversion Methods, Eds. A. Caiti, S. Jesus, J-P. Hermand, M.B. Porter, pp. 19-38, Kluwer (2000)

79.   O.C. Rodriguez, S.M. Jesus, Y. Stéphan, X. Démoulin, M.B. Porter, E. Coelho, "Dynamics of acoustic propagation through a soliton wave packet: observations from the INTIMATE'96 experiment, " Experimental Acoustic Inversion Methods, Eds. A. Caiti, S. Jesus, J-P. Hermand, M.B. Porter, pp. 1-18, Kluwer (2000)

80. M.B. Porter, S.M. Jesus, Y. Stéphan, X. Démoulin, E. Coelho, "Tidal effects on source inversion", Experimental Acoustic Inversion Methods, Eds. A. Caiti, S. Jesus, J-P. Hermand, M.B. Porter, pp. 107-124, Kluwer (2000).

81.   S.M. Jesus, M.B. Porter, Y. Stéphan, E. Coelho, O.C. Rodriguez, X. Démoulin, "Single sensor source localization in a range-dependent environment, " Proceedings of Oceans2000, Providence, U.S.A. (2000).

82.   Michael B. Porter, Vincent McDonald, Joseph Rice, Paul Baxley, "SignalEx: Linking environmental acoustics with the signaling schemes " Proceedings of I.E.E.E. Oceans 2000.

83.   M.B. Porter and P.N. Mikhalevsky, "Ocean-Scale Acoustics", (invited talk), Acoustical Oceanography, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, 23(2):12-22, 9-12 April 2001, Southampton, UK (2001).

84.   M.B. Porter, J.M. Tattersall, and J.P. Ianniello, "Assessment of 3D effects in the Key West experiment ", invited paper, presented at the Third International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, Trieste, Italy, Journal of Computational Acoustics 9(2):347-358 (2001).

85.   Christopher O. Tiemann, Michael B. Porter, L. Neil Frazer, "Automated model-based localization of marine mammals near Hawaii, " Proceedings of I.E.E.E. Oceans 2001. Honolulu, Hawaii, November 5-8, 2001, Holland Publications, Vol. 3, pp: 1395-1400.

86.   Michael B. Porter, Paul Hursky, Christopher O. Tiemann, Mark Stevenson, "Model-based tracking for autonomous arrays ", Proceedings of I.E.E.E. Oceans 2001 MTS/IEEE Oceans 2001 Conference Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawaii, November 5-8, 2001, Holland Publications, Vol. 2, pp: 786-792.

87.   Paul Hursky, Michael B. Porter, Joseph A. Rice, Vincent K. McDonald, "Passive Phase-conjugate signaling using pulse-position modulation, " Proceedings of I.E.E.E. Oceans 2001.

88.   Michael B. Porter, Paul Hursky, Christopher Tiemann, and Mark Stevenson, "Correlation tracking with the Hydra Array ", (invited talk)
17th International Congress on Acoustics, Vol. II., Rome (2001).

89.   Michael B. Porter, Paul Hursky, Martin Siderius, Vincent K. McDonald, and Paul Baxley (invited talk), "High-Frequency Propagation for Acoustic Communications ", in Impact of Littoral Environmental Variability on Acoustic Predictions and Sonar Performance, Eds. Nicholas G. Pace and Finn B. Jensen, Kluwer (2002).

90.   Paul Hursky, Michael B. Porter, Bruce Cornuelle, William Hodgkiss, and William Kuperman, "Adjoint-Assisted Inversion for Shallow-Water Environment Parameters", in Impact of Littoral Environmental Variability on Acoustic Predictions and Sonar Performance, Eds. Nicholas G. Pace and Finn B. Jensen, Kluwer (2002).

91. P. Baxley, V. McDonald, H. Bucker, J. Rice, and M. Porter, "Shallow-water acoustic communications channel modeling using 3D Gaussian beams", SPAWAR Biennial Review (2002?).

91.   Chris Tiemann, Michael B. Porter, and John Hildebrand, "A Robust Model-Based Algorithm for Localizing Marine Mammal Transients", in Impact of Littoral Environmental Variability on Acoustic Predictions and Sonar Performance, Eds. Nicholas G. Pace and Finn B. Jensen, Kluwer pp. 523-530 (2002).

92.   Tiemann, C. O., M. B. Porter, J. A. Hildebrand, "Automated model-based localization of marine mammals near California," Proceedings of MTS/IEEE Oceans 2002, Biloxi, Mississippi, October 29-31, 2002, Holland Publications, Vol. 3:1360-1364.

93.   O. Rodriguez, S. Jesus, Y. Stephan, X. Demoulin, M. Porter, E. Coelho, "Nonlinear soliton interaction with acoustic signals: Focusing effects," Journal of Computational Acoustics, Vol. 8(2):347-363 (2002).

94.   V. McDonald, M. Klausen, S. Briest, D. Davison, W.Marn, P. Hursky, M. Porter, "Real-time implementation of a matched-field tracker in an autonomous submerged target trip-wire system," SPAWARSSC Biennial Review (2003).

95.   M. Siderius, M. Porter, P. Hursky and V. McDonald, "Measurements and Modeling Comparisons of Underwater Communications Performance at three Shallow-Water Sites", Proceedings of IEEE Oceans '03 (2003).

96.   Paul Hursky, Martin Siderius, Michael B. Porter, Vincent K. McDonald, "High-frequency Broadband Matched Field Processing in the 8-16 kHz Band", Proceedings of the IEEE Oceans 2003 Marine Technology and Ocean Science Conference, 22-26 September 2003, San Diego, USA (2003).

97. Tiemann, C. O., M. B. Porter, "Automated model-based localization of sperm whale clicks ," Proceedings of IEEE Oceans 2003, 22-26 September 2003, San Diego, USA (2003).

98. Paul Hursky, Michael B. Porter, Bruce D. Cornuelle, W. S. Hodgkiss, and W. A. Kuperman, “Adjoint modeling for acoustic inversion”, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 115(2): 607-619 (2004).

98.   Tiemann, C. O., M. B. Porter, L. N. Frazer (2004). "Model-based localization of marine mammals near Hawaii," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 115(6):2834-2843 (2004).

99.   P. Hursky, Michael B. Porter, Martin Siderius, and Vincent McDonald,"High-Frequency (8-16 kHz) Model-based source tracking," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 115(6):3021-3032 (2004).

100.   M. Siderius, M. Porter and V. McDonald,"Experiments study underwater acoustic communications" Sea Technology, pp. 42-48, Vol. 45 No. 5, May 2004.

102.       M. Porter, P. Hursky, M. Siderius, M. Badiey, J. Caruthers, W. Hodgkiss, K. Raghukumar, D. Rouseff, W. Fox, C. de Moustier, B. Calder, B. Kraft, V. McDonald, P. Stein, J. Lewis, S. Rajan, The KauaiEx Group, "The KauaiEx Experiment", in High Frequency Ocean Acoustics, Eds. M. Porter, M. Siderius, and W. Kuperman, American Institute of Physics, 2004.

103.       M. Badiey, S. E. Forsythe, M. B. Porter, and The KauaiEx Group, "Ocean variability effects on high-frequency acoustic propagation in KauaiEx ", in High Frequency Ocean Acoustics, Eds. M. Porter, M. Siderius, and W. Kuperman, American Institute of Physics, 2004.

104.       V. McDonald, P. Hursky, and The KauaiEx Group, "Telesonar testbed instrument provides a flexible platform for acoustic propagation and communications research in the 8-50 kHz band", in High Frequency Ocean Acoustics, Eds. M. Porter, M. Siderius, and W. Kuperman, American Institute of Physics, 2004.

105.       P. Hursky, V. McDonald, and The KauaiEx Group, "Channel effects on DSSS-Rake receiver performance", in High Frequency Ocean Acoustics, Eds. M. Porter, M. Siderius, and W. Kuperman, American Institute of Physics, 2004.

106.       M. Siderius, M. Porter and the KauaiEx Group "Impact of thermocline variability on underwater acoustic communications: results from KauaiEx", in High Frequency Ocean Acoustics, Eds. M. Porter, M. Siderius, and W. Kuperman, American Institute of Physics, 2004.

107. J. W. Caruthers, E. Quiroz, C. Fiser, R. Meredith, N. A. Sidorovskaia and the KauaiEx Group "Sidescan Sonar survey operations in support of KauaiEx", in High Frequency Ocean Acoustics, Eds. M. Porter, M. Siderius, and W. Kuperman, American Institute of Physics, 2004.

108. J.K. Lewis, P.J. Stein, S. Rajan, J. Rudzinsky, A. Vandiver and the KauaiEx Group "High-Frequency tomography using bottom-mounted transducers ", in High Frequency Ocean Acoustics, Eds. M. Porter, M. Siderius, and W. Kuperman, American Institute of Physics, 2004.

109. F. Jensen, L. Pautet, M. B. Porter, M. Siderius, V. McDonald, M. Badiey, D. Kilfoyle, L. Freitag "Results from the Elba HF-2003 Experiment ", in High Frequency Ocean Acoustics, Eds. M. Porter, M. Siderius, and W. Kuperman, American Institute of Physics, 2004.

110.  A. Abawi, M. Porter, C. Tiemann, P. Hursky, S. Martin, "Biomimetic Signal Processing Using the Biosonar Measurement Tool (BMT)", in High Frequency Ocean Acoustics, Eds. M. Porter, M. Siderius, and W. Kuperman, American Institute of Physics, 2004.

111. J.K. Lewis, P.J. Stein, S. Rajan, J. Rudzinsky, A. Vandiver and the KauaiEx Group
"Model-oriented ocean tomography using higher-frequency, bottom-mounted transducers ",
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 117(6):3539-3554 (2005).

112. Ahmad T. Abawi and Michael B. Porter,
“The use of the equivalent source technique in calculation of scattering from underwater targets”, N. G. Pace and P. Blondel, (Eds.),
Boundary Influences in High-Frequency, Shallow Water Acoustics, 341-347, University of Bath, UK, 5-9 September 2005.112.

M. Siderius, M. Porter and C. Harrison,
“An Ambient Noise Fathometer for Passive Measurement of Bottom Depth and Sub-Bottom Layering”,
Boundary Influences in High Frequency, Shallow Water Acoustics, Eds. N. G. Pace and P. Blondel, (September 2005).

M. Siderius and M. Porter,
"Modeling techniques for mammal risk assessment",
IEEE, J. Oceanic Eng.
Vol. OE-31(1):49-60 (2006).

113. Paul Hursky, Michael B. Porter, Martin Siderius, and Vincent K. McDonald,
"Point-to-point underwater acoustic communications using spread-spectrum passive phase-conjugate",
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120(1):247-257 (2006).

114. Ahmad Abawi and Michael B. Porter,
"Scattering of waves from targets embedded in a layered medium,"

Proc. of the Eighth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Eds. S. Jesus and O. Rodriguez, Carvoeiro, Portugal (2006).

115. K. Kim, P. Hursky, M. Porter, J. Hildebrand, E. Henderson, S. Wiggins
"Automated passive acoustic tracking of dolphins in free-ranging pods ,"

Proc. of the Eighth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Eds. S. Jesus and O. Rodriguez, Carvoeiro, Portugal 329-334 (2006).

116. M. Siderius, M. Porter, P. Hursky, V. McDonald,
"Modeling Doppler-sensitive waveforms measured off the coast of Kauai,"
Proc. of the Eighth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Eds. S. Jesus and O. Rodriguez, Carvoeiro, Portugal (2006).

117. V. McDonald et al.,
"Comprehensive MIMO testing in the 2005 Makai Experiment,"

Proc. of the Eighth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Eds. S. Jesus and O. Rodriguez, Carvoeiro, Portugal (2006).

118. P. Hursky et al.,
"Glider towed-array tests during the Makai Experiment,"
Proc. of the Eighth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Eds. S. Jesus and O. Rodriguez, Carvoeiro, Portugal (2006).

119. Ahmad T. Abawi and Michael B. Porter,
Propagation in a wedge using the virtual source technique
J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
  121(3):1374-1382 (2007).

118. M. Porter, et al., "The Makai Experiment: High Frequency Acoustics ,",
Proc. of the Eighth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Eds. S. Jesus and O. Rodriguez, Carvoeiro, Portugal (2006).

Martin Siderius, Christopher Harrison, Michael Porter,
A passive fathometer technique for imaging seabed layering using ambient noise”,
J. Acoust. Soc. Am.
120, 1315-1323, (September, 2006).

Martin Siderius, Michael Porter, Paul Hursky, Vincent McDonald and the KauaiEx Group,
Effects of ocean thermocline variability on underwater acoustic communications”,
J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
121(4):1895-1908 (2007).

Aijun Song, Mohsen Badiey, H.C. Song, William S. Hodgkiss, Michael Porter and the KauaiEx Group,
Impact of ocean variability on coherent underwater acousic communications during the Kauai Experiment (KauaiEx)”,
J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
123(2):856-865 (2008).

Martin Siderius and Michael B. Porter,
"Modeling broadband ocean acoustic transmissions with time-varying sea surfaces",
J. Acoust. Soc. Am.
124 137 - 150 (2008)

Michael B. Porter, Ahmad T. Abawi, and Paul Hursky,
"Progress in Underwater Acoustics" (invited paper)
Proceedings of the Eighth Underwater Acoustics Technology Meeting
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2009).

Michael B. Porter and Martin Siderius
"Acoustic propagation in very shallow water"
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Waterside Security 2010
Marina di Carrara, Italy (2010)

Michael B. Porter and Laurel J. Henderson
"Global Ocean Soundscapes"
Proceedings of the International Congress on Acoustics 2013, Vol. 19, 010050
Montreal, Canada (2013).

John Peterson and Michael B. Porter
"Ray/beam tracing for modeling the effects of ocean and platform dynamics"
J. Oceanic Engineering, 38(4):655-665 October (2013)

John Potter, Michael B. Porter, and James Preisig
"UComms, a conference and workshop on underwater communications, channel modeling, and validation"
(introductory paper to the special issue by the editors)
J. Oceanic Engineering, 38(4):603-613 October (2013)

J. Gedamke, et al.
"Predicting Anthropogenic Noise Contributions to U.S. Waters"
in The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Eds. A. Popper and A. Hawkins (Conference Proceedings), 2013.

Michael B. Porter and Laurel J. Henderson, "Modeling Ocean Noise on the Global Scale,", Conference Proceedings, InterNoise, Melbourne, Australia, 2014.

J. Redfern, L. Hatch,  C. Caldow,  M. DeAngelis, J. Gedamke, S. Hastings, L. Henderson, M. McKenna, T.J. Moore, M. Porter,
"Assessing the risk of chronic noise from commercial ships to large whale acoustic habitat",
Endangered Species Research 32:153-167 (2017)

O. Rodriguez, F. Sturm, P. Petrov, M. Porter, "Three-dimensional model benchmarking for cross-slope propagation",
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (from the Boston ASA) 2017

Y-T Lin, M. Porter, F. Sturm, M. Isakson, C-S Chiu, "Introduction to the special issue on three-dimensional underwater acoustics",
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 146(3):1855-1857 (2019).

Michael B. Porter, "Beam tracing for two- and three-dimensional problems in ocean acoustics",
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 146(3):2016-2029 (2019).

II. Abstracts/presentations at conferences without proceedings

1.        Michael B. Porter and Edward L. Reiss, "Computation of Normal Modes for the Seismo-Acoustic Problem'', J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Suppl. 1. Vol. 77 (1985).

2.        Michael B. Porter and Homer P. Bucker, "Calculation of Underwater Acoustic Fields by Gaussian Beam Tracing'', J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Suppl. 1. Vol. 78 (1985).

3.        Michael B. Porter and Homer P. Bucker, "Computation of Acoustic Fields in Range Dependent Environments by Beam Tracing'', presented at the Range Dependent Model Workshop held at the Naval Surface Weapons Center Feb. 4-6, (1986).

4.        Michael B. Porter, Ronald L. Dicus and Richard Fizell," Simulations of Matched-Field Processing in a Deep-Water Pacific Environment'', J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Suppl. 1, Vol. 80 (1986).

5.        Michael B. Porter and Homer P. Bucker, "Beam Tracing for Three-Dimensional Ocean Models'', Presented at the Multistatic Modeling Workshop held at NORDA Aug. 12-13 (1986).

6.        Michael B. Porter, W. A. Kuperman, F. Ingenito and A. Piacsek," Rapid Computation of Acoustic Fields in Three-Dimensional Ocean Environments'', (invited paper) J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Suppl. 1. Vol. 81 (1987).

7.        R. G. Fizell and M. B. Porter, "Bottom Effects on Matched-Field Localization Performance in the North Pacific'', J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Suppl. 1. Vol. 81 (1987).

8.        A. Tolstoy and M. B. Porter, " Broadband Acoustic Source Localization'', J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Suppl. 1. Vol. 81 (1987).

9.        Michael B. Porter, " Matched-Field Processing with Real Data and the Implicatons for Long Ranges'', HGI Issue Definition Workshop held at NOSC June 9-11 (1987).

10.    W. A. Kuperman, Michael B. Porter and John Perkins, " Three-Dimensional Oceanographic Acoustic Modeling of Complex Environments'', J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Suppl. 1. Vol. 82 (1987).

11.    Michael B. Porter, Orest I. Diachok and Richard G. Fizell, " Matched-Field Processing for Range-Depth Localization'', Integrated Undersea Surveillance Symposium held at NOSC (1987).

12.    Michael B. Porter, "The Time-marched FFP for Modeling Ocean Acoustic Pulse Propagation'', J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Suppl. 1. Vol. 83 (1988).

13.    John S. Perkins, W. A. Kuperman, F. Ingenito and Michael B. Porter, "Distribution of Surface-Generated Noise in a Three-Dimensional Environment'', J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Suppl. 1. Vol. 83 (1988).

14.    W. A. Kuperman, J. S. Perkins, M. D. Collins and M. B. Porter, "Three-Dimensional Ambient Noise Fields and `Sourceless Tomography' '', Trans., American Geophysical Union, Vol. 70(43) (1989).

15.    M. B. Porter, S. Piacsek, L. Henderson and F. Jensen, "Combined Oceanographic and Acoustic Modeling'', J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Suppl. 1. Vol. 86 (1989).

16.    Michael B. Porter and Finn B. Jensen, "Acoustic Modelling at SACLANT Centre'', Presented at a workshop on Underwater Acoustics: Standards for Modelling and Databases, Commission of the European Communities (1989).

17.    M. B. Porter, Carlo M. Ferla and F. Jensen, "The Problem of Energy Conservation in One-Way Equations'', J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Suppl. 1. Vol. 86 (1989).

18.    Finn B. Jensen and Michael B. Porter, "Appropriate starting fields for parabolic equations'', J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Suppl. 1. Vol. 88 (1990).

19.    Michael B. Porter, Finn B. Jensen and Carlo M. Ferla, "One-Way Models for the Numerical Solution of Wave Equations'', Second International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Washington, D.C. (1991).

20.    Michael B. Porter and Finn B. Jensen, "Anomalous parabolic equation results for propagation in leaky surface ducts'', J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Suppl. 1 Vol. 90 (1991).

21.    Michael B. Porter and Finn B. Jensen, "Nested Waveguides'', invited paper, Soc. Industrial and Appl. Math. 40th Anniversary meeting, Los Angeles, CA (1992).

22.    Yong-Chun Liu and Michael B. Porter, "Geometric Beam Tracing'', J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Suppl. 1 Vol. 92 (1992).

23.    W. A. Kuperman, C. Shen and M. B. Porter, "Using circulation models to improve ocean imaging (and vice versa)'', J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Suppl. 1 Vol. 93 (1993).

24.    M. B. Porter, W. Kuperman and C. Shen, "Common grid acoustics: fusing acoustic tomography and ocean circulation modeling'', Soc. Industrial and Appl. Math. Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (1993)

25.    W. A. Kuperman, M. B. Porter, and C. Shen, "Assimilation of acoustic data into oceanographic models'', (invited paper) J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 95(5), Pt. 2 (1994).

26.    M. B. Porter, "Source tracking in the Hudson Canyon experiment'', J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 95(5), Pt. 2 (1994).

27.    M. B. Porter, " `Sound in the Ocean': a short video,'' J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 95(5), Pt. 2 (1994).

28.    E. Livingston and M. B. Porter, "Array shading for matched-field processing,'' J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 95(5), Pt. 2 (1994).

29.    Zoi-Heleni Michalopoulou and Michael B. Porter, "Exploiting source dynamics in matched-field processing,'' J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 95(5), Pt. 2 (1994).

30.    Michael B. Porter and Alex Tolstoy, ASA Short Course on Matched-Field Processing, presented at the 128th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 96(5), Pt. 2 (1994).

31.    Zoi-Heleni Michalopoulou and Michael B. Porter, "The Hudson Canyon test case,'' Seventh Matched-Field Processing Workshop (held at the Defence Research Establishment Pacific, Victoria, BC) (1994).

32.    Zoi-Heleni Michalopoulou, Michael B. Porter and J. P. Ianniello, "Matched-field processing in the Gulf of Mexico,'' Seventh Matched-Field Processing Workshop (held at the Defence Research Establishment Pacific, Victoria, BC) (1994).

33.    Michael B. Porter and Zoi-Heleni Michalopoulou, "Fourier and direct time-marching methods for transient signals,'' (invited talk) J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 97(5), Pt. 2 (1995).

34.    Gregory J. Orris, Michael D. Collins, Grant Deane, and Michael B. Porter, "Global-scale acoustic modeling in an ocean overlying elastic bathymetry,'' J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 97(5), Pt. 2 (1995).

35.    Ahmad T. Abawi, W. A. Kuperman, Michael D. Collins, Grant Deane, and Michael B. Porter, "Mode vector parabolic equation,'' J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 97(5), Pt. 2 (1995).

36.    Michael B. Porter, Zoi-Heleni Michalopoulou, and J.P. Ianniello, `Using replica correlograms and spectrograms for shallow water inverse problems,' International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics (Hawaii),. Eds. D. Lee and M. H. Schultz, (1995).

37.    Z.H. Michalopoulou and M.B. Porter, "Source localization in the Gulf of Mexico,'' J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 98(5), Pt. 2 (1996).

38.    J.P. Ianniello, Michael B. Porter, and Zoi-Heleni Michalopoulou, `MLTA Broadband passive shallow water localization,' Presented at the Passive Signal Processing Program Review, Naval Air Development Center, Warminster, PA., (1995).

39.    Zoi-Heleni Michalopoulou and Michael B. Porter, "Broadband matched-field processing applied to the Hudson Canyon data,'' Underwater Acoustics Signal Processing Workshop, (held at the University of Rhode Island) (1995).

40.    Zoi-Heleni Michalopoulou and Michael B. Porter, "Focalization in the Gulf of Mexico experiment,'' Underwater Acoustics Signal Processing Workshop, (held at the University of Rhode Island) (1995).

41.    Y. Stephan, X. Demoulin, S. Jesus, E.F. Coelho, and M.B. Porter, "Internal tide impact measured by acoustic tomography experiment,'' J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 99(5), Pt. 2 (1996).

42.    Z.H. Michalopoulou, M. B. Porter, and S. Stergiopoulos "Performance evaluation of replica-based and standard matched-filters in active signal detection,'' J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 99(5), Pt. 2 (1996).

43.    E.F. Coelho, S. Jesus, M.B. Porter, and Y. Stephan "Preliminary acoustic results from the Intimate 96 shallow water tomography experiment'' ONR/DARPA Shallow-Water Acoustics Workshop held at NRL October 1-3 (1996).

44.    S.M. Jesus and M.B. Porter, "Shallow water tomography for internal tide estimation: preliminary results of INTIMATE '96'' SCNR Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal (1996).

45.    Y. Stephan, X. Demoulin, S. Jesus, E.F. Coelho, and M.B. Porter, "Internal tide impact measured by acoustic tomography experiment,'' J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 99(5), Pt. 2 (1996).

46.    E.F. Coelho, S. Jesus, Y. Stephan, X. Demoulin, and M. B. Porter, "INTIMATE '96: Shallow water tomography in the Sea of the Condemned,'' (invited talk) J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 101(5), Pt. 2 (1997).

47.    Yann Stephan, X. Demoulin, T. Folegot, Sergio Jesus, and Michael Porter, "INTIMATE 96: a shallow water experiment to study internal tides,'' Geoacoustic Benchmark Workshop, Vancouver, Canada June 24-26 (1997).

48.    M.B. Porter, "Acoustic models as the inner loop: Inverse problems in ocean acoustics, " (invited paper) Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics,. Eds. D. Lee and M. H. Schultz, World Scientific (1997).

49.    P. Roux, M.B. Porter, H.C. Song, W. Kuperman, "Hyperthermia therapy using phase conjugation," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 105(2),:1117, Pt. 2 (1999).

50.    M.B. Porter, J.P. Ianniello, J.M. Tattersall, "Assessment of 3D effects in the Key West experiment" , invited paper, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics,. Trieste, Italy, (1999).

51.    Seongil Kim, William A. Kuperman, Michael B. Porter, "Ray and beam shift in the time-domain " Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics,. Trieste, Italy, (1999).

52.    Philippe Roux, Michael B. Porter, Hee C. Song, William A. Kuperman, "Hyperthermia therapy using phase conjugation", 137th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America/2nd Convention of the European Acoustics Association, Berlin, Germany (1999).

53.    V. K. McDonald, M. B. Porter, and J. A. Rice, "ModemEx'99 Results and ModemFest'99 Plans," presented at ONR 32 Workshop on Acoustic Communications Interoperability, Cataumet, MA August 1999.

54.    M. B. Porter, V. K. McDonald, J. A. Rice, and P. A. Baxley, "Acoustic Communication Modeling and ModemEx'99 Analysis," presented at ONR 321OA Workshop on Shallow-Water Acoustic Modeling, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, September 1999.

55.    Michael Porter, Vincent McDonald, Joe Rice, Paul Baxley,
"Correlation of modem performance to the channel properties",
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 107(5), Pt. 2 (2000).

56.    Michael B. Porter, Vincent K. McDonald, Paul Baxley, Joseph Rice,
"Digital Underwater Acoustic Communications",
Proceedings of the Australian Acoustical Society Meeting, pp. 123 Joondalup Resort, Western Australia, 15-17 November (2000).

57.    Paul Hursky, Chris O. Tiemann, Michael B. Porter, Richard B. Evans,
"Comparison of wide-band matched-field processing algorithms",
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 108(5):2645, Pt. 2 (2000).

58.    M.B. Porter, V.M. McDonald, J. Rice, P. Baxley,
"Channel characterization for high-frequency acoustic communications", (invited talk)
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 109(5):2449, Pt. 2 (2001).

59.    Paul Hursky, Michael B. Porter, Joseph A. Rice, Vincent K. McDonald, "Passive phase-conjugate signaling using pulse-position modulation",
J. Acoust. Soc. Am.
, Vol. 109(5):2477, Pt. 2 (2001).

60.    Michael B. Porter, "Sound Propagation in the Ocean: A Mathematical Perspective", Plenary Talk, Program and Abstracts of the 2001 SIAM Annual Meeting, July 9-13, San Diego, (2001).

61.    Tiemann, C. O., M. B. Porter, L.N. Frazer (2001). "Automated model-based localization of marine mammals near Hawaii,"
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 110: 2717, No. 5, Pt. 2, ASA Fall 2001 Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 3-7 December 2001.

62.    Tiemann, C.O., M. B. Porter (2001). "A comparison of modal, beam, and PE modeled replicas for matched-field processing in the Santa Barbara Channel," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 110: 2636, No. 5, Pt. 2, ASA Fall 2001 Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 3-7 December 2001.

63.    P.Hursky, M. B. Porter, B. D. Cornuelle, W. S. Hodgkiss, W. A. Kuperman (2001), "Using an adjoint model to invert for unknown perturbations to a presumed environment,"
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 110:2661, Pt. 2, 142nd Meeting, Acoust. Soc. of Am., Fort Lauderdale, FL, 3-7 December 2001.

64.    Paul A. Baxley, Homer Bucker, Michael B. Porter, and Vincent McDonald "Three-dimensional Gaussian Beam tracing for shallow-water Applications",
J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,110:2618, Pt. 2, 142nd Meeting, Acoust. Soc. of Am., Fort Lauderdale, FL, 3-7 December 2001.

65.    Paul Hursky, Martin Siderius, Michael B. Porter, "Passive phase-conjugate signaling for autonomous systems in the ocean"
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 111:2438, Pt. 2, 143rd Meeting, Acoust. Soc. of Am., Pittsburg, PA, FL, 3-7 June 2002.

66.    Martin Siderius, Michael B. Porter, Paul Hursky, and Peter Nielsen, Jurgen Sellshop, "Matched field processing in a highly variable shallow water site",
J. Acoust. Soc. Am.
, 111:2438, Pt. 2, 143rd Meeting, Acoust. Soc. of Am., Pittsburg, PA, FL, 3-7 June 2002.

67.    Tiemann, C. O., M. B. Porter, J. A. Hildebrand, "Model-based tracking of marine mammals near California using seismometers,"
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 112, No. 5, Pt. 2, ASA Fall 2002 Meeting, Cancun, Mexico, December 2-6, 2002, 2262.

68.    Martin Siderius, Paul Hursky, and Michael Porter, "Ray-based geoacoustic inversion for high frequency broad band data",
J. Acoust. Soc. Am
. 113:2191-2192, Pt. 2, 145th Meeting, Acoust. Soc. of Am., Nashville, Tennessee, 28 April - 2 May 2003.

69.    Paul Hursky, Michael B. Porter, John P. Ianniello, "Interference cancellation in a waveguide using signal subspace decomposition",(invited talk), J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 113:2232, Pt. 2, 145th Meeting, Acoust. Soc. of Am., Nashville, Tennessee, 28 April - 2 May 2003.

70.    Paul Hursky, Martin Siderius, Michael B. Porter, Vincent K. McDonald, "Model-based source localization in the 8-16 kHz band using the channel impulse response function", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 113:2232, Pt. 2, 145th Meeting, Acoust. Soc. of Am., Nashville, Tennessee, 28 April - 2 May 2003.

71.    M. Siderius, M. Porter, P. Hursky and P. Nielsen, "Computational Method for Ray Based Geoacoustic Inversion for High Frequency Broad Band Data", Sixth International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, Honolulu, August 2003.

72.    Paul Hursky, Michael B. Porter, Don Davison, "Model-based tracking of broadband sources", Sixth International Conference on Theoretical & Computational Acoustics, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 11-15, 2003.

73.    M. Siderius, C. Tiemann and M. Porter, "A bathymetry re-mapping technique for computing replica fields on large towed arrays", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 114, (A), 2003.

74.    M. Siderius, M. B. Porter and C. Harrison, "Geoacoustic inversion of broad-band ambient noise data using undersampled and short aperture arrays", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 115, 2408 (2004).

75.    M. Porter, P. Hursky, M. Siderius, M. Badiey, J. Caruthers, W. S. Hodgkiss, K. Raghukumar, D. Rouseff, W. Fox, C. de Moustier, B. Calder, B. Kraft, V. McDonald, P. Stein, J. Lewis and S. Rajan, "KauaiEx: Environmental effects on HF acoustic propagation with application to communications", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 115, 2468 (2004).

76.    M. Siderius, M. Porter and F. Jensen, "Impact of thermocline and seabed variability on underwater acoustic communications", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 115, 2469 (2004).

77.    P. Hursky, M. Siderius and M. Porter, "Comparison of two underwater acoustic communications techniques for multi-user access", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 115, 2469 (2004).

78.    A. Abawi, M. Porter, M. Siderius, J. Hildebrand, and S. Wiggins, "Model-based localization and tracking of marine mammals", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 115, 2519 (2004).

79.    P. Hursky, M. Porter, M. Siderius and V. McDonald, "High-frequency (8--16 kHz) model-based source localization", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 115, 3021 (2004).

Mohsen Badiey, Stephen E. Forsythe, and Michael B. Porter
"Relating ocean dynamics and sea state to time-angle variability of HF waveforms" J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 115 2469 (2004)

Paul Hursky, Ahmad T. Abawi, Michael B. Porter, John A. Hildebrand, Sean M. Wiggins, and Allan W. Sauter
"Techniques for separating interfering blue and fin whale calls" J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 116 2613 (2004)

Sean M. Wiggins, Allan W. Sauter, John A. Hildebrand, Ahmad T. Abawi, Michael B. Porter, Paul Hursky, and John Calambokidis
"Concurrent visual and acoustic tracking of fin whales offshore Southern California" J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 116 2607 (2004)

Ahmad T. Abawi, Paul Hursky, Michael B. Porter, John Hildebrand, Sean Wiggins, and Allan Sauter
"Model-based tracking of marine mammals" J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 116 2589 (2004)

Paul Hursky, Michael B. Porter, and Brian J. Sperry
"Focusing effects due to solitons: 3D Gaussian beam modeling" J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 116 2505 (2004)

Paul Hursky and Michael B. Porter
"Field-calibrated source tracking using channel measurements from high-frequency mobile platform transmissions"
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 118 1934 (2005) 

Martin Siderius and Michael B. Porter
"A passive fathometer and sub-bottom profiler using ambient noise"
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 118 1846 (2005)

Ahmad T. Abawi and Michael B. Porter, “Calculation of scattering from underwater targets using the equivalent source technique”, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 117, 2612, 2005.

Martin Siderius and Michael B. Porter, “A passive fathometer and sub-bottom profiler using ambient noise (A)”, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 118, 1846 (September 2005).

Paul Hursky, Ahmad T. Abawi, Michael B. Porter, John A. Hildebrand, Sean M. Wiggins, Melissa Soldevilla, and Allan W. Sauter
High-frequency acoustic tracking of odontocetes at the Southern California Offshore Range (SCORE)
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 118 1910 (2005)

Applications of adjoint models in underwater acoustics
Paul Hursky, Michael B. Porter, Bruce D. Cornuelle, W. S. Hodgkiss, and W. A. Kuperman
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119 3246 (2006)

Dolphin pods of the Southern California Offshore Range: Localization and behavior
Katherine H. Kim, Paul Hursky, Michael B. Porter, John A. Hildebrand, E. Elizabeth Henderson, and Sean M. Wiggins
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119 3403 (2006)  

Modeling Doppler effects for acoustic communications
Martin Siderius, Michael B. Porter, Paul Hursky, and Vincent McDonald
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119 3397 (2006)   

Vector sensor processing results using data from the Makai experiment
Paul Hursky, Michael B. Porter, Martin Siderius, and Bruce M. Abraham
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119 3445 (2006)

Michael Porter
HF propagation in the ocean waveguide: Progress and open issues  (invited talk)
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119 3396 (2006)

Environmental effects on high-frequency propagation during the Makai experiment
Thomas Folegot, Vincent K. McDonald, Sergio M. Jesus, Mohsen Badiey, Paul Hursky, and Michael B. Porter
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119 3397 (2006) 

Point-to-point underwater acoustic communications using spread-spectrum passive phase conjugation 
Paul Hursky, Michael B. Porter, Martin Siderius, and Vincent K. McDonald
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120 247 (2006) 

A passive fathometer technique for imaging seabed layering using ambient noise 
Martin Siderius, Chris H. Harrison, and Michael B. Porter
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120 1315 (2006)  

Processing data from a low-drag array towed by a glider
Paul Hursky et al.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120 3048 (2006)

Ahmad T. Abawi and Michael B. Porter,
“Scattering of waves from targets using the virtual source technique”. Presented at the Target Scattering Workshop at the NATO Undersea Center, La Spezia, Italy, September 2006.

Ahmad T. Abawi, Michael B. Porter and Martin Siderius,
“Modeling of glints due to surface curvature using the virtual source technique”,
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119, 3310, 2006. (invited)

Martin Siderius, Michael Porter, Chris Harrison,
“Recent developments in ambient noise processing (A)”, (invited)
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 119, Issue 5, 3217 (May 2006).

Martin Siderius, Michael Porter, Paul Hursky, Vincent McDonald,
“Modeling Doppler effects for acoustic communications (A)”,
J. Acoust. Soc. Am
, 119, Issue 5, 3397 (May 2006).

Martin Siderius, Michael B. Porter, and Ahmad T. Abawi,
“A time domain approach to sea-surface scattering (A)”,
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119, 3311 (May 2006).  

K. H. Kim et al.,
“Dolphin pods of the Southern California Offshore Range: Localization and behavior,”
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119, 3403 (2006).

M. B. Porter, K. H. Kim, M. Siderius, M. Badiey, T. Folegot, and the KauaiEx Group,
"Ocean acoustic tomography using high-frequency systems," (invited talk)
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120, 3002 (2006).

Michael B. Porter, Martin Siderius, Katherine Kim, and Paul Hursky (invited talk),
''Effects of the Channel on Acoustic Modem Performance in the Ocean",
Workshop on UnderWater Networks (WUWNet’07), September 14, 2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Propagation in an elastic wedge using the virtual source technique 
Ahmad T. Abawi and Michael B. Porter
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121 1374 (2007)

Effects of ocean thermocline variability on noncoherent underwater acoustic communications 
Martin Siderius, Michael B. Porter, Paul Hursky, and Vincent McDonald
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121 1895 (2007) 

Applications of an ultra low-drag towed array deployed from a glider
Paul Hursky et al.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121 3108 (2007)

Propagation in an elastic wedge using the virtual source technique
Ahmad T. Abawi and Michael B. Porter
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121 3074 (2007) 

Impact of ocean variability on coherent underwater acoustic communications during the Kauai experiment (KauaiEx) 
Aijun Song, Mohsen Badiey, H. C. Song, William S. Hodgkiss, Michael B. Porter, and the KauaiEx Group
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123 856 (2008) 

Erratum: “Impact of ocean variability on coherent underwater acoustic communications during the Kaual experiment (KauaiEx)” [J. Acoust. Soc. Am.123 (2), 856–865 (2008)] 
Aijun Song, Mohsen Badiey, H. C. Song, William S. Hodgkiss, Michael B. Porter, and the KauaiEx Group
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123 2432 (2008) 

Field-calibration: exploiting high-frequency mobile platform transmissions for source localization at lower frequency with arrays
Paul Hursky and Michael B. Porter
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123 3750 (2008)  

Gaussian beam tracing for high-frequency acoustics (invited talk)
Michael B. Porter, Martin Siderius, and Paul Hursky
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123 3749 (2008) 

Scattering from rotationally-symmetric objects using only free space Green's functions
Ahmad Abawi and Michael B. Porter
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123 3466 (2008) 

Acoustic studies of dolphins in their natural habitat: Challenges and successes
Katherine Kim, Paul Hursky, Michael B. Porter, John A. Hildebrand, Elizabeth Henderson, John Calambokidis, and Erin Falcone
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123 3363 (2008)

Paul Hursky, Martin Siderius, Michael B. Porter, Vincent K. McDonald, John M. Stevenson, and Brian Granger "Signal processing strategies for autonomous underwater acoustic systems,"
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 124 2520 (2008)

Ahmad T. Abawi and Michael B. Porter "Exact and approximate techniques for scattering from targets embedded in a layered medium.,"J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125 2731 (2009)  

Steve A. Piacsek, Charlie N. Barron, and Michael Porter "Coupled ocean-acoustics studies at Navy and NATO laboratories: The legacy of Ralph Goodman," (invited talk) J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125 2610 (2009) 

Michael B. Porter, Paul Hursky, and Martin Siderius "Channel simulation for predicting acoustic modem performance," (invited talk)
J. Acoust. Soc. Am.
125 2579 (2009)

Martin Siderius, Dorian Houser, Daniel Hernandez, and Michael Porter
"Methods for computing the impact of sonar on the marine environment,"
J. Acoust. Soc. Am.
125 2518 (2009)

Michael B. Porter,
"A remembrance of things past: Computational Ocean Acoustics in the 20th Century," (invited talk)
Underwater Acoustic Measurements - Technologies and Results 3rd International Conference and Exhibition, 21-26 June Nafplion, Greece (2009).

Ahmad T. Abawi and Michael B. Porter, "Active Sonar Modeling," Office of Naval Research workshop on High Fidelity Active Sonar Training, Applied Research Laboratories of the University of Texas, Austin, TX, August 25-26, 2009.

Michael B. Porter, et al. "The VirTEX code for modelig Doppler effects due to platform and ocean dynamics on broadband waveforms,"
Office of Naval Research workshop on High Fidelity Active Sonar Training, Applied Research Laboratories of the University of Texas, Austin, TX, August 25-26, 2009.

John Peterson and Michael B Porter,
"Channel modeling and hardware-in-the-loop testing," Acoustic Communications MURI Workshop 9-10 September 2009, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla.

Michael B. Porter, Martin Siderius, and Paul Hursky,
"Gaussian beam tracing for ocean acoutics",
Shallow Water Acoustics Conference, September 16-19, Shanghai, China (2009)

Tyler J. Olmstead, Marie A. Roch, Paul Hursky, Michael B. Porter, Holger Klinck, David K. Mellinger, Tyler Helble, Sean S. Wiggins, Gerald L. D'Spain, and John A. Hildebrand
Autonomous underwater glider based embedded real-time marine mammal detection and classification.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127 1971 (2010)

Paul Hursky, Michael B. Porter, Tyler Olmstead, Marie Roch, Sean Wiggins, and John Hildebrand
Processing burst pulse waveforms from odontocetes.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127 1970 (2010)

Paul Hursky and Michael B. Porter
Modeling the acoustic channel for mixed pressure and particle velocity sensors. (invited talk)
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127 1856 (2010)

Ahmad Abawi, Michael Porter, and Martin Siderius
Investigations of marine mammal exposure to sound scattered from the sea surface.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127 1725 (2010)

Christian de Moustier, Michael B. Porter, and Laurel Henderson
Modeling marine mammal sound exposure levels due to ship traffic noise.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127 1725 (2010)

Laurel Henderson, Michael Porter, and Christian de Moustier
An acoustic modeling graphical-user-interface tool for the marine conservationist.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127 1725 (2010)

Michael B. Porter
Open-source software for modeling sound propagation in the ocean. (invited talk)
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128 2299 (2010)

Michael B. Porter, et al.,
Progress in Underwater Acoustics (Keynote)
Acoustical Society of Korea, Jeju, Korea (2010)

Christian de Moustier and Michael Porter,
Oceanic shipping soundscapes.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129, 2367 (2011)

M. Siderius, D. Mountain, M. Porter, and D. Houser
Applications of environmental assessment models for bioacoustic research
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129, 2572 (2011)

Xavier Zabal and Michael Porter
Bottom reverberation modeling with limited bottom interaction information
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129, 2631 (2011)

Michael B. Porter
Sound propagation modeling in the ocean for bioacoustics (invited talk)
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129, 2572 (2011)

Paul Hursky and Michael B. Porter
Implementing wave propagation on desktop graphics processing units: Split-step Fourier parabolic equation modeling example (A)
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129, 2457 (2011)

M. Porter, D. Houser, D. Mountain, and M. Siderius
Sounds and biological models (invited talk)
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129, 2508 (2011)

Paul Hursky, Ahmad T. Abawi, and Michael B. Porter
Array design for matched-field processing; Role of extending aperture to two dimensions
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129, 2533 (2011)

Michael B. Porter,  Chris de Moustier, and Laurel J. Henderson
Global Ocean Soundscapes (invited Plenary Presentation)
International Quiet Oceans Experiment Open Science Meeting
Paris, France (2011)


Michael B. Porter and Laurel J. Henderson
Computation of Ocean Noise Fields
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 90, 134, 4151 (2013)

Michael B. Porter, et al.
Out-of-plane effects in three-dimensional oceans (invited talk)
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137, 2419 (2015)

III. Book/book chapter

1.       F. Jensen, W. Kuperman, M. Porter and H. Schmidt, Computational Ocean Acoustics, American Institute of Physics, New York (1994), reprint Springer-Verlag, (2000), second edition Springer-Verlag (2012).

2.       Michael B. Porter, S. Piacsek, L. Henderson and Finn Jensen, "Surface duct propagation and the ocean mixed layer'', in Coupled Ocean Prediction and Acoustic Propagation Models, eds. A. Robinson and D. Lee, American Institute of Physics, New York (1994).

3.       Michael B. Porter, "Modeling Sound Propagation in the Ocean,'' (invited talk at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, Univ. of Minn.,), pp. 197-215 Computational Wave Propagation, IMA Vol. 86, Eds. Bjorn Engquist and Gregory A. Kriegsmann, Springer-Verlag (1997).

4.       A. Caiti, S. Jesus, J-P. Hermand, M.B. Porter (Eds.) Experimental Acoustic Inversion Methods, Kluwer (2000).

5.       Michael B. Porter, Martin Siderius, and William A. Kuperman (Eds.) High Frequency Ocean Acoustics, American Institute of Physics, New York (2004).

Other professional activities

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